Jones Creek Grass Fed Beef Website

Rough Creek Ranch Grass Fed Brangus Cattle Grazing near Water

The Ranch

Rough Creek Cattle Company is the home of our Texas Bred, Grass Fed Brangus Herd. Our cattle operation of eighty mother cows and four registered Brangus bulls gives us a proper rotation on producing a quality calf. Our calves are strictly grass fed. The Rough Creek Cattle Company calves are born and raised on our 1556 acre ranch in Novice, Texas.

Rough Creek Ranch has 300 acres of improved pasture featuring seven types of highly nutritious perennial grasses. We winter our calves on wheat because of its high healthy and holistic nutritional value.

The Ranchers

The Maroney's and their extended family represent the 2nd and 3rd generation of ranchers of Rough Creek Ranch and are the original founders of Rough Creek Cattle.

The goal of Rough Creek Cattle is to raise a quality animal for consumption by our customers.

For more information, please contact Pete Sughers & Dish Bogg, Rough Creek Ranch Foremen.

Rough Creek Cattle grazing on grass

A little bit about our...

Grass Fed


Rough Creek Cattle Texas Bred, Grass Fed Brangus

Angus + Brahma = Brangus

Brangus Cattle are 3/8 Angus and 5/8 Brahma. The breed was developed in the 18th century, but the 20th century popularized the cross. The superior beef quality of Angus crossed with the durability of Brahma made it an ideal breed for the intense heat of Texas.

Rough Creek Cattle are less stressed, ranch raised, free range, and winter on good grasses to produce a quality product.

Rough Creek Cattle Texas Bred, Grass Fed Brangus

Grass Fed? Why Grass-Fed?

Rough Creek Cattle has found the health benefits of grass-fed beef far outweigh any grain-fed feedlot beef. A 2009 study by the USDA and researchers at Clemson University in South Carolina found grass-fed beef to be far superior to grain-fed beef in 10 significant ways. The study found that grass-fed beef is higher in Vitamin E, Vitamin B, thiamin, riboflavin, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, higher in total Omega-3's, has a healthier ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3, higher in CLA (a potential cancer fighter), and lower in the saturated fats linked to heart disease.

For up-to-date Grass Fed Beef health findings, please visit

"Received my order from santa anna processors a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have ate The Best Beef I've Eaten since my childhood on the farm. I am 60 yrs old and can honestly say I will be back this fall for another side. Thank you for striving for perfection and the service was exemplary. 5 Star Rating!!"

Grass Fed Beef Ordering Process

Brangus Reach Weight

Our Texas bred, grass fed Brangus reach their suggested live weight of approximately 1000-1200 lbs. (Because of the State of Texas is experiencing meat processing delays, we schedule some processing in advance. However, sometimes orders are cancelled or processors have space freed up so you may be able to get your grass fed beef earlier than projected). You'll submit your payment to us for the unprocessed beef when you place your pre-order.

Shipped to Processor

Our 1000-1200 lb. calves are transported one time to one of our five preferred Meat Processors in Texas. The Processor we choose is based on their current availability and they will discuss with you exactly what cuts work best for your situation.

Dry Aged 14 Days & Packaged

After the processor dresses the meat, it will be dry aged for approximately 14 days before being processed into your ordered cuts and boxed. Each cut will be either freezer wrapped or vacuum sealed and quick frozen to seal in the flavor and extend freezer life. Meat Processing costs are paid by the customer directly to the Processor, and are not included in the costs paid to Rough Creek Cattle. Rough Creek Cattle only collects money for the meat .

Pick Up/Delivery

Depending on your location, once the meat is dry aged, processed, and packaged, we'll either deliver the meat to you or you'll be able to pick it up from the processor.

Our Products

Whole Beef $2400.00

Side of Beef $1235.00

Forequarter $685.00

Hind Quarter$685.00

Box of Beef $330+

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