Read Her Royal Highness Rachel Hawkins Online Free

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First your review of Her Imperial Highness (Royals, #ii)
✨    jami   ✨
Nov 28, 2018 rated it really liked it
you hetero bitches accept been getting "I'm falling in love with a man whoops turns out he'south a prince" stories for YEARS and finally, finally us sapphics got ours.

"...No, what surprises me is the sudden, jolting, and undeniable realization that fifty-fifty I didn't desire to, I've fallen for an bodily princess."

THIS WAS So FREAKIN Beautiful. I was pretty much simply expecting an easy, fluffy, sweet read about girls in dearest and THAT IS WHAT I GOT. I loved the boarding schoolhouse setting and the set up-up of the rela

y'all hetero bitches take been getting "I'm falling in dear with a man whoops turns out he'south a prince" stories for YEARS and finally, finally us sapphics got ours.

"...No, what surprises me is the sudden, jolting, and undeniable realization that even I didn't want to, I've fallen for an actual princess."

THIS WAS SO FREAKIN Beautiful. I was pretty much just expecting an easy, fluffy, sweet read most girls in dear and THAT IS WHAT I GOT. I loved the boarding school setting and the set up-upwards of the relationship betwixt Flora and Millie. Essentially, they're assigned the same dorm room just instantly don't get along very well.

I can definitely see the criticisms for this book - the writing is probably not my favourite and the end of the book happens in a rush. I didn't mind where it went, but they definitely jumped from "getting together" to "badly in beloved" way to quick.

That said, I don't really care because I had such a fun fourth dimension reading this. I substantially only came here for the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers and there is A LOT of build up and tension in this book and then information technology was bang-up. I also really loved the side characters. Just most of all, I loved Flora and Millie together. Their banter was sugariness and they complimented eachother well.

For a quick and fluffy read I'd recommend, and if you liked Red, White & Royal Blue you should read information technology.

chai ♡
December 07, 2018 rated it liked it
I really idea I didn't like contemporary romance only turns out I was just bored of reading nigh directly people pulling the same shit over and over again and I'm definitely here for the concept of "falling in love with your royal classmate in boarding school BUT MAKE Information technology GAY"
Chelsea (chelseadolling reads)
This was SO Cute and I am SO GAY.
may ➹
Jul 14, 2019 rated it it was ok
It's all fun and gaymes until you realize you could accept have rewritten approximately a third of the book, and information technology would have concluded upwardly 5x improve, despite non even being a half-decent writer.

The issue with this book is that the pacing is completely off. I honestly would have rated it higher if the pacing hadn't been and then weird and janky, considering it's a fluffy book that you could simply have a lot of fun reading. But my slight enjoyment of the book couldn't compete with how at that place's pretty much nil d

Information technology's all fun and gaymes until you realize y'all could have have rewritten approximately a third of the book, and information technology would have ended upwards 5x better, despite not even being a one-half-decent writer.

The result with this book is that the pacing is completely off. I honestly would have rated it higher if the pacing hadn't been so weird and janky, because it'due south a fluffy book that you could only accept a lot of fun reading. But my slight enjoyment of the book couldn't compete with how there's pretty much zero development of the human relationship afterwards the characters get together, or how the catastrophe was precipitous, unsatisfying, and felt unfinished, or how the volume jumps from i matter to another with seemingly no buildup or growth.

I think this was meant to be a very low-cal and fluffy book purely for enjoyment, which is fine, and it mostly was! Millie and Flora were definitely cute together, and it was a decently entertaining read. I was never actually bored with the book, only frustrated that it was inadequately written, and I liked the characters' barrack. (Though it was annoying that some side characters were and then relevant at sure times, and and so didn't even seem to exist at others.) The writing was besides really like shooting fish in a barrel to read, which I specially appreciated since I was slumping, and there were some scenes I thought were super cute.

Overall, even so, I felt a very large disconnect from the story and characters and didn't actually care when something major happened, most likely because of the insufficient buildup to said events. And when I'k not invested in the characters, that throws everything off and diminishes my enjoyment of the volume by a lot.

Truly, this book could have been written and so much amend, and it had and then much more potential beyond what it was actually able to accomplish. If you're looking for a quick fun f/f book to read, this might exist the one for you. Merely it'southward more likely that your enjoyment will be hindered by its lack of development and poor writing overall.

:: rep :: bi MC, lesbian LI, queer side characters

:: content warnings :: loss of parent, adulterous (not main couple)

// buddy read with my Asian faves !!

Thank you to Penguin for providing me a copy of this volume! This did not affect my stance in any way.

Joel Rochester
Aug 16, 2020 rated it did not like it
edit: I wanted to add together that if y'all just desire an easy to read sapphic romance with a HEA, so this book fits that bill perfectly!

Between the lack of character development, plot development, globe-edifice, pacing, research into scottish & wider british culture, and a lackluster romance - I just couldn't help but experience disappointed by this.

Flora and Saks were literally the only two interesting and slightly adult characters. Millie just spent the entire novel either gushing over Scotland (borde

edit: I wanted to add together that if you but want an easy to read sapphic romance with a HEA, then this book fits that bill perfectly!

Between the lack of character development, plot development, world-edifice, pacing, research into scottish & wider british culture, and a lackluster romance - I just couldn't help but feel disappointed by this.

Flora and Saks were literally the only two interesting and slightly developed characters. Millie just spent the entire novel either gushing over Scotland (bordering fetishization, she literally calls it "Scottish-Fever"), calling Flora cute or talking virtually how different she is from Flora for coming from a poorer groundwork.

There was but no wider plot either. it simply didn't... make sense? Plus, the irregular pacing didn't help the novel whatsoever, information technology actually hindered the novel. (i.e. Capacity i-iii really could've been simply Chapter 1.) I didn't see the need for a 274-page book to have 39 capacity. I as well feel like the ending was a tad rushed and completely concluded unsatisfyingly and too soon.

I feel like this volume needed the following:
i - restructuring of capacity to make them longer
2 - at to the lowest degree 100 more pages to flesh out the characters and add necessary world-building
3 - a secondary personal conflict, I thought we were going to get this with flora's relationship with the tabloids but... I was disappointed.

I loved the idea of this story merely I feel like information technology was poorly executed. Millie and Flora's scene in the laundry room was cute though, simply I wanted more than.

...more than
Nov 28, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
🌈 Total review at present posted!

iv.5 royally sapphic stars

I devoured this volume on audio in basically a day and oh my god, friends. In that location is a very specific emotion that us sapphic girls feel when presented with practiced sapphic content in fiction, and depending on our tastes in terms of tropes and genres, different sapphic books will hit us differently. The feeling I got from this volume was ane of pure joy from getting a regal romance, ordinarily reserved for a girl falling in love with a prince, starring t

🌈 Total review now posted!

four.v royally sapphic stars

I devoured this book on audio in basically a day and oh my god, friends. At that place is a very specific emotion that usa sapphic girls feel when presented with adept sapphic content in fiction, and depending on our tastes in terms of tropes and genres, dissimilar sapphic books will hitting united states of america differently. The feeling I got from this volume was one of pure joy from getting a purple romance, usually reserved for a daughter falling in love with a prince, starring ii girls.

I loved Millie, the protagonist, right away. She's smart and she wants to be a geologist!!! She wants to get to a school in Scotland and part of the reason why she loves Scotland is because of its cool geology. Not to be then me, but give me whatever girl protagonist who's a scientist or wants to be 1 and I'll immediately be x times more invested in her story. Also, her interest wasn't just mentioned once in passing, it's really pretty much present throughout the volume and she has her own drove of minerals and rocks (I exercise as well!! okay, technically my mom does, merely that'due south not the signal) and UGH I love her so much okay!! I have no actual idea how accurate some of the things she said were. Since I was on audiobook I didn't feel like pausing every fourth dimension and google or ask my mom if the geology stuff was right Only whatsoever I capeesh the sentiment in any instance (and if y'all're a geologist don't @ me I'm merely hither for a fun gay time). Okay at present I made it audio like this is manner more than about geology than it actually is, but no, it's but I experience very strongly nigh geology so pardon me.

Afterward a brief introduction to Millie's family and friends back habitation, she gets to Scotland and we get that Hogwarts-y feeling of arriving to a identify y'all know very little almost (despite all the inquiry Millie has washed) and having to navigate through a new school and new people, most of which are filthy rich or direct up aristocrats. Among which is HRH Flora and, surprise surprise, Millie's roommate.


Their relationship can only be described as hate to beloved, as information technology often is when the couple starts off every bit roommates. Only after weeks of forced vicinity Millie's perception of Flora starts to change, and I think although we don't become Flora's POV, the same could be said for her. I don't want to wander besides much into headcanons, merely I believe that Flora started to view Millie under a new lite afterwards Millie'southward coming out, and I found that such a realistic experience for sapphic people.

Speaking of coming outs, they were two, in two separate moments (Millie'south, which nosotros know about since the very first page, just she comes out to her new friends in the school - she's bi, and Flora's, who is gay), and they both warmed my centre and so much because of how they were handled. There's also a "wait, you're straight???" moment for 1 of the side characters that had me laughing for hours (okay, not literally but I have to express mirth whenever I call back it). (No, don't worry, there was no queerbait.)

While I wouldn't telephone call this book super diverse equally a whole, it does evangelize on coincidental queerness and on people never making a large deal out of it. I really appreciated both aspects and how much a non-event it all was, I really felt like it was a volume written for queer people instead of just well-nigh them, you know? ♥

Back to the romance, I loved Millie and Flora'southward relationship. You can't aid but hate Flora in the commencement but by the end you're well-nigh equally in honey with her equally Millie is (okay, not sure that'southward possible actually). They got such cute and cliché romantic moments and they were TO Die for. Twentybiteen is giving us such sapphic goodness!!!!

Anyway information technology's been a while since a full-on gush review and I usually don't really review audiobooks because those are the books I read purely for fun without reviewing in mind, simply I couldn't not talk about this. I went into it only for a skilful sapphic time and it never ever disappointed me.

I do want to say that if you're expecting this to exist completely realistic you should mayhap change your mindset a piddling earlier you start reading. Yes, we all know there is no queen of Scotland and therefore no princess of Scotland. Maybe the blurb should make it more clear that information technology'south a fictional/alternating Scotland, simply that'south inappreciably the first volume series that does something like this. Of course, that'southward like shooting fish in a barrel for me to say because I've never been and I have no ties to Scotland, only I empathise not liking the idea of irresolute things for the sake of the book. You do you and while information technology never bothered me I wanted to mention this aspect.

Some other cursory annotation for those who desire to read this but haven't read the first volume in the series yet, go for it! I haven't read volume one either and every bit you lot can see I loved this volume. Information technology follows different characters and we exercise get to run across the protagonists from the first installment (one of which is Flora's older brother), but the book pretty much explains everything and we're not left wondering who these people are. And if y'all've read book 1 and want to see them once again, well read this book!

In conclusion, I don't think this book is perfect, and if it hadn't been f/f mayhap I wouldn't have liked it so much, but as you can run across I loved it and then much and I had such a skillful time reading information technology. I 100% recommend it to anybody!

TWs: mentions of loss of a parent in the past, mention of casual homophobia ("it's just a stage"), several instances of "more than friends"(not challenged), sort of adulterous (

not the main couple)
...more than
Whitney Atkinson
4.5 stars

wouldnt it exist absurd if i went to a boarding school and had a princess fall in love with me hahaha.... only kidding....... unless??

I knew within 50 pages this volume was going to get a high rating. Like I said well-nigh Prince Charming, the first volume, this serial is so feel-good and upbeat and addicting to read. Millie and Flora'south camaraderie and hate to dearest romance was *chefs osculation* FROM THE GODS and their evolution, though contained in a brusk novel, was nonetheless spectacularly drawn out.

My o

4.5 stars

wouldnt it exist cool if i went to a boarding school and had a princess fall in love with me hahaha.... just kidding....... unless??

I knew within fifty pages this volume was going to get a high rating. Similar I said most Prince Charming, the beginning book, this series is and so feel-adept and upbeat and addicting to read. Millie and Flora'southward esprit and hate to love romance was *chefs kiss* FROM THE GODS and their evolution, though independent in a curt novel, was still spectacularly drawn out.

My only grievance about this book is that the characters' personalities seem kinda similar, both to each other and to the characters in the previous volume. Hawkins has a really like shooting fish in a barrel fourth dimension writing wit and sarcasm, simply she gives several characters that aforementioned tone in their dialogue, and then it felt a chip repetitive and overdone at times. Mayhap this outcome was rooted in the characters non having plenty fleshing out of their inner workings, but the dialogue often felt similar the characters were trying to 1-upwards one some other with their sarcastic remarks, and I almost craved some more tension to cutting the constant jokes that began to grow corny.

Still, I highly recommend this serial if y'all want books near royals that will fly past and brand you express mirth out loud and clutch the volume to your breast out of feels. I would dearest for Hawkins to go on writing in this universe fifty-fifty though you could certainly read either volume every bit a standalone.

anna (½ of readsrainbow)
rep: bi mc, lesbian li

every sapphic girl deserves to fall for a princess, thanks for agreeing

anyway, someone tell hawkins you gotta actually develop your characters before you throw in the angst and you can't practise that at the very end bc pacing does thing

rep: bi mc, lesbian li

every sapphic girl deserves to fall for a princess, cheers for agreeing

anyhow, someone tell hawkins you lot gotta actually develop your characters earlier you throw in the malaise and you can't do that at the very cease bc pacing does matter

...more than
i'm sad to dnf this but i actually really don't like the writing rip i'm sad to dnf this just i really actually don't like the writing rip ...more
January 10, 2020 rated information technology actually liked it
iv stars

 photo IMG_5683_zpsrahsmkqe.jpg

This book was so adorable. Information technology gave me so many happy feels. This is my first volume by Rachel Hawkins, but now I most definitely want to read the first in the series.

This story follows Millie Quint, a high schoolhouse senior from Texas. After she sees her bff she's kind of been dating kissing her ex, she is more than ready to get out of Texas for her final year of loftier school. She has an awesome opportunity to get to a school in Scotland and she takes information technology. The unbelievable happens... Millie is

4 stars

 photo IMG_5683_zpsrahsmkqe.jpg

This volume was so adorable. It gave me so many happy feels. This is my first book past Rachel Hawkins, merely now I almost definitely want to read the first in the serial.

This story follows Millie Quint, a loftier school senior from Texas. After she sees her bff she's kind of been dating kissing her ex, she is more than ready to get out of Texas for her concluding year of high schoolhouse. She has an crawly opportunity to get to a schoolhouse in Scotland and she takes it. The unbelievable happens... Millie is rooming with a legit princess.

Flora is difficult at showtime. She's not the easiest to get forth with, but the more than Princess Flora and Millie get to know each other, they commencement to get friendly. Then they realize in that location are other feelings at play.

I loved the enemies to friends, then friends to lovers aspect of this story. I also loved and then many of the secondary characters. The writing and story were fun, and the audio volume was great. The but big downfall for me was the catastrophe. I wanted more, or at the very least some kind of epilogue.

chan ☆
May 22, 2019 rated information technology liked it
oadsfjgofjd lass

yeah besides lazy to think of a clever tagline just this was cute! i adored the setting and the overall ~mood~ of this volume. i felt like i was in scotland and for that, this book gets three stars. but at that place were a few things that bugged me.

- the audiobook narrator'south deep south accent for a houstonian (sorry bro nosotros don't sound like that)
- the beginning of the book
- the mc's motivations

idk, my biggest outcome was that the things i was supposed to deeply care about, and the things that MC shou

oadsfjgofjd lass

yeah too lazy to think of a clever tagline but this was cute! i adored the setting and the overall ~mood~ of this book. i felt like i was in scotland and for that, this book gets three stars. simply at that place were a few things that bugged me.

- the audiobook narrator's deep south accent for a houstonian (pitiful bro we don't sound like that)
- the showtime of the book
- the mc'due south motivations

idk, my biggest effect was that the things i was supposed to deeply intendance about, and the things that MC should have cared about just... weren't there? like she wants to get to scotland because she watched Dauntless as a kid. and i estimate every bit a teenager that is as good a reason as any, simply as an adult it was hard to understand "oh yeah that makes sense" or why millie'south dad was similar "oh you lot like Dauntless? def go to a scottish boarding school."

and the romantic human relationship had the makings of something special. there was lots of lead up and enemies to lovers goodness. but ultimately it kind of roughshod flat at the terminate. in that location needs to be a transition from detest to dear and i retrieve information technology happened a LITTLE too quickly for my liking.

that being said, i did savor this book. it was a fun easy listen. and information technology's ever refreshing to meet FF romances in YA. i do recommend it.

April (Aprilius Maximus)
1.) Prince Charming ★★★★★
two.) Her Royal Highness ★★★★.5


THIS WAS So Cute. I just wish at that place was a little bit more at the end!!! I wanted an epilogue Then BAD!

Nash (all too unwell)
"No, what surprises me is the sudden, jolting, and undeniable realization that even though I didn't want to, I've fallen for an actual princess."

Buddy read with Naomi💖

⭐⭐⭐⭐.five stars

You notice someone. you fall in love. And turns out he is a PRINCE
Yeah no.

You notice someone, yous autumn in dearest. And turns out, SHE is a princess. HELL YES.

Her Majestic Highness is a cute, fluffy and absolutely adorable story almost two girls who encounter in a creepy boarding schoolhouse and autumn in love.

I absolutely loved this sto

"No, what surprises me is the sudden, jolting, and undeniable realization that fifty-fifty though I didn't want to, I've fallen for an actual princess."

Buddy read with Naomi💖

⭐⭐⭐⭐.v stars

You find someone. you fall in love. And turns out he is a PRINCE
Aye no.

You detect someone, yous fall in love. And turns out, SHE is a princess. HELL YES.

Her Majestic Highness is a cute, fluffy and absolutely adorable story about ii girls who come across in a creepy boarding schoolhouse and fall in love.

I admittedly loved this story. I was looking frontward to reading something that I would find adorable and would make me happy and that is exactly what I got!!!


"It'south not absurd to stare, I know that, merely this is literally the prettiest girl I've e'er seen in my life."

When Millie leaves Texas fleeing from all her problems, the last matter she expects to find in Scotland is true honey. But everything can change.
When she first meets her roommate, she is certain she volition detest her. Especially after learning that she is a stuck upwards princess. Merely when Millie gets to know Flora better, she realises that she is not equally bad as she seems.
The final thing Millie wants is to get her heartbroken again. Just is it possible to not fall for someone as wonderful every bit Flora?


The writing is like really absurd. It's i of those few books where the teen characters actually feel like teens talk instead of older people.
I actually loved information technology!


Millie is extremely cute! I actually love her. She is super fun to read virtually!! She is clever and loves geology. I find that hard to get bcz I hate that but she loves it then okay!
She is fun, quirky and actually sugariness. She loves her friends and would do anything for them.


Flora is the one I absolutely adore. She is kinda nighttime and mysterious. At offset, she seemed a chip jerky, just now I Love HER. She is dramatic but I love that. I loved her relationship with her family particularly her brothers!
She like Millie would do anything for the people she loves and I WOULD Exercise ANYTHING for her💖💖



The entire book I was similar Simply FORKING Osculation already. I hateful it took forever for them to kiss.
I loved their romance. It was so pure and sweet and cute!!
I was fangirling over both of them the Entire time. 💖🌈

I loved how they both supported each other. The kiss, IT WAS totally worth waiting for💖
I wished we had an epilogue where they like kissed and said cute stuff to each other🥺💖

In determination I loved it soo muchhhh

I recommend it to anyone looking for a very beautiful f/f romance that will make you swoon the Unabridged time

Related weblog post : https://booksandbrownies820513218.wor...



My rating system:
v⭐ - I loved it soo much! New favorite
4⭐ - It was actually good! But something was missing
iii⭐ - It was nice..but had more potential
2⭐ - I did non like information technology at all!... It could have been soo much better
i⭐ - Nope. Just No. I hate it

Lauren Lanz
A sapphic, Scottish, purple roommate romance… the synopsis for Her Royal Highness reminded me vaguely of Red White & Regal Blue, and so who was I to wait? I had to leap on this immediately (especially during pride month!!)

While this wasn't the virtually sophisticated or well developed story, information technology was a quick and admittedly fun read that doesn't require much thought—just what I needed!

~★~ What is this book nigh? ~★~

When Millie catches her girlfriend adulterous on her at the end of senior year, she'south d

A sapphic, Scottish, royal roommate romance… the synopsis for Her Royal Highness reminded me vaguely of Red White & Imperial Blue, and so who was I to wait? I had to jump on this immediately (specially during pride month!!)

While this wasn't the nigh sophisticated or well developed story, it was a quick and admittedly fun read that doesn't crave much idea—just what I needed!

~★~ What is this book about? ~★~

When Millie catches her girlfriend adulterous on her at the end of senior year, she's devastated. The perfect escape presents itself, however, when Millie receives an acceptance letter to her dream schoolhouse in Scotland. Once she arrives, Millie meets her roommate Flora, who turns out to be the royal hurting-in-her-butt princess of Scotland (whom she definitely won't develop a trounce on)!


If I'm being honest, Her Majestic Highness was entertaining, though not much else. The writing was pretty weak, which definitely hindered the story, nevertheless I establish myself flipping through the book quickly anyways. I actually enjoyed Millie's friends (Sakshi and Sebastian especially!) though I wished for a flake more than evolution on her part.

Some things I did enjoy were the shenanigans that Millie and Flora got into (similar the camping scene, or the pub scene). This book—despite not being very finessed—was loads of mindless fun, which I can really appreciate. There wasn't as much romance every bit I expected from this story, simply I actually enjoyed the pre-relationship banter anyways!

The pacing was skilful, up until the point where the protagonists get together. Across and then, things go from a first buss to "I'm madly in love with you" really fast. For such a short book, this didn't bother me too much, but from an objective standpoint it's perhaps a reason that the novel could've been a few chapters longer (considering the catastrophe was very rushed, too). Overall, Her Imperial Highness was an enjoyable notwithstanding forgettable read.

May 17, 2019 rated information technology liked it
⭐️⭐️⭐️ cheesy stars


I liked the lesbian rep and love story but it wasn't remarkable in any way. I felt similar the characters were decently crafted but not explored equally deeply as they could take been. The cuteness was there simply I didn't really feel a romantic connexion between the characters, therefore, I didn't really transport it.

The rest of the characters mistiness in my mind, which shows how poorly developed and used they were.

The romantic plot was pretty straightforward and archetype, so no surprises ther

⭐️⭐️⭐️ cheesy stars


I liked the lesbian rep and love story but it wasn't remarkable in any style. I felt like the characters were decently crafted but not explored as deeply as they could have been. The cuteness was at that place just I didn't actually feel a romantic connection between the characters, therefore, I didn't actually ship it.

The rest of the characters mistiness in my mind, which shows how poorly developed and used they were.

The romantic plot was pretty straightforward and classic, so no surprises in that location. I wish there was more diversity in this book, and more than comparison between the top 1% and the lesser 99% our MC is a part of. It could have been deeper and explore other things than the romance but it stayed focused on that.

If Netflix buys this and turns into a flick I wouldn't heed spend 2h watching it but information technology could have been better.

Trina (Between Chapters)
Cute story. Enjoyed Flora much more than I expected I would from the TINY bit we saw of her in the first volume. The scene where the main character from this book meets the main character of book 1 was dandy! These books worked really well as companions and I hope at that place are more in the serial!

Audiobook: five stars. The narrator had excellent accents (Texan and Scottish) and switched betwixt them flawlessly. She read with personality and emotion. Exactly what an audiobook operation should exist.

tw: che

Cute story. Enjoyed Flora much more than I expected I would from the TINY flake we saw of her in the first book. The scene where the main character from this book meets the main graphic symbol of book 1 was groovy! These books worked really well as companions and I promise there are more in the series!

Audiobook: 5 stars. The narrator had first-class accents (Texan and Scottish) and switched betwixt them flawlessly. She read with personality and emotion. Exactly what an audiobook functioning should be.

tw: adulterous (not the main romance), existence stranded in the wild

* so sorry, but I still had a few things to add together *

I read this because it was advertised to be gay equally fuck. When did I become that? Afterwards 85% of the book was over.


Things I didn't similar:
• I thought this book was about Milly wanting to go to the boarding school because of her love for geology? That it had some fancy geology plan or something? After Milly gets there, geology is never mentioned once more, bated from talking about the decor rocks she keeps in her room. I'thou really sick of authors giving

* then sorry, just I notwithstanding had a few things to add *

I read this considering information technology was advertised to exist gay every bit fuck. When did I get that? After 85% of the book was over.


Things I didn't like:
• I idea this volume was about Milly wanting to go to the boarding school because of her love for geology? That information technology had some fancy geology program or something? Later Milly gets there, geology is never mentioned again, aside from talking nigh the decor rocks she keeps in her room. I'k really sick of authors giving characters actually cool hobbies and interests, basically shoving them into our faces and throats in the first 10 pages of a book, and and then never mentioning them ever again. Milly could have just gone to school because she liked Scotland. No geology needed. Why invent an interesting fact when you don't use information technology?

• I'm pitiful simply a romance where the romance starts after 3/4 of the book? This isn't slow burn, information technology's garbage.

• It takes talent to ruin the setting of a Scottish boarding school in the misty and beautiful highlands, but hey, mission accomplished!

• Milly seems really put off by the others drinking beer in the pub they go to. I really don't like it when Americans come for European teenagers because nosotros can drink earlier than them. Information technology doesn't put you above someone else or brand y'all better in any fashion, get over it.

• The sudden shift in their dynamic was so unrealistic. There wasn't a proper development in their feelings towards each other, it went from non liking each other to 'hmmm she'due south not that bad' to 'nevermind I actually loved you the whole fourth dimension' without whatever steps in between.

• Milly is describing nothing well-nigh Flora, other than how pretty she is. I could paint Flora'due south face similar a photo because I have every fucking detail burned into my ears (I listened to the audiobook) since Milly tin can't shut up about it. Believe it or not, girls who like girls also like personalities? Nosotros don't similar girls simply because they are pretty. I know, such a shock!

• I know that Flora is a fucking princess, Milly! I fucking read the synopsis! Every second judgement is 'Flora is and then pretty! Simply she is the princess of Scotland and she lives in a castle in Edinburgh! Did I mention she is the princess?!' At one signal, information technology started to feel like Milly addresses Flora as the fucking princess of Scotland, every fourth dimension she mentions the name.

• 'Ohhh, I'm and then plainly and normal! I have boring dark-brown hair and brown eyes, boohoohoo! The princess is too practiced for a normal girl like me, I'grand so normal, boohoohoo!' - Milly, 2018

• I really really liked Flora? She was a multifaceted character that was actually brought to life by the narration. It's only pitiful that the actual text -well, Milly's words- don't portray her equally such.

• The representation of the imitation Scottish royals felt clishé and stereotypical.

• A fucking princess kisses a girl in public during the regal wedding procession and ... That's information technology? The book ends?

• Speed upward the first 100 pages of nothing and add another 100 at the end, and then the plot would be worth getting through. 300 pages shouldn't take felt this long.

• This read like a middle-class novel with teenage characters. If I had plant out that Milly and Flora were 12 instead of 17 I wouldn't have been surprised.


One affair I liked:
• The narrator did a really smashing job at all the dissimilar accents and distinguishing between all the voices.


I merely really wanted a sapphic romance volume to gush over. This definitely wasn't information technology.

But If yous're in the mood for some pure fluff with no malaise what and so ever, this is the book for y'all. I just had hopes, that weren't met (I should have known before since I was enlightened of the books this author has written before but hey, a girl can dream).

...more than
Davina Herondale
eleven. June 2019

that moment you realize teenagers have more than of a love life than you do

God damn, this was so cute

Rachel Hawkins could write, similar, 6 more stories in this setting and I would purchase them ALL.

Flora and Millie? South'Beautiful iltsm

Now i'one thousand casually waiting for her to announce the Sebastian story bc my bb boi deserves so much also

I need more of Daisy and Miles

I desire a story for Elle and Alex and how they met

ugh I dear this anthology of stories

20. April. 2019

Big shout ou

eleven. June 2019

that moment you realize teenagers accept more than of a love life than you do

God damn, this was so cute

Rachel Hawkins could write, like, half dozen more stories in this setting and I would buy them ALL.

Flora and Millie? Southward'CUTE iltsm

Now i'm casually waiting for her to announce the Sebastian story bc my bb boi deserves so much too

I need more of Daisy and Miles

I want a story for Elle and Alex and how they met

ugh I love this anthology of stories

20. April. 2019

Large shout out to netgalley for providing me with an arc excerpt!

Just like the previous novel in this serial, y'all will be captivated by the first page. Hawkins is extraordinarily talented at grasping you from the moment you open her books.

...more than
I don't want to be rude, but Rachel Hawkins has a boring writing fashion, she gives me zero emotions and her characters are apartment. I read 3 of her books already, and so it's not only this one.
I read Royals but so I could read this, only honestly, Royals was better.
I don't want to be rude, but Rachel Hawkins has a wearisome writing manner, she gives me zero emotions and her characters are flat. I read 3 of her books already, and then information technology'due south not simply this one.
I read Royals but so I could read this, but honestly, Royals was better.
Olivia (Stories For Coffee)
This was such a beautiful, quick audiobook to read!
I had such a keen time with it and seeing Millie and Flora start off on the incorrect foot, develop their friendship, and go something more forth the mode. Their romance was lighthearted and sugariness, and information technology was refreshing to have no actual heavy stakes. Everyone accustomed their relationship and it was honestly just wholesome to read well-nigh.

I do think the last quarter of this novel was wrapped upward too chop-chop and the disharmonize that was thrown in at the en

This was such a beautiful, quick audiobook to read!
I had such a great time with information technology and seeing Millie and Flora get-go off on the wrong foot, develop their friendship, and get something more than along the way. Their romance was lighthearted and sugariness, and it was refreshing to have no actual heavy stakes. Everyone accepted their relationship and it was honestly just wholesome to read nigh.

I practise recall the last quarter of this novel was wrapped up besides chop-chop and the conflict that was thrown in at the end was very random and could take been edited out. It also got old reaal quick when Millie continually told united states that she was rooming with a princess. She mentioned it nearly every chapter and it was too repetitive, and the audiobook narrator was pretty annoying with her uses of accents merely other than that, I came hither for a light romance and got what I asked for

- Bi American girl goes to a Scottish boarding school where she has to room with the Princess of Scotland
- Soft enemies to friend to lovers romance
- Lesbian love involvement
- A wholesome read

Apr 21, 2019 rated it it was ok
I had liked the first book in this series and was absolutely here for gay princesses. Sadly, this one fell brusque for me.

Millie was only okay to me. I did beloved her smarts and dedication and dearest for her family. Flora was actually more of a marshmallow than I was expecting and was quite sweet. I just couldn't ever get invested in either of them or their relationship.

Plot wise, it was boring. I do love a expert boarding school setting, but this didn't do it for me. The entire story read like "this

I had liked the first book in this series and was absolutely here for gay princesses. Sadly, this one fell brusk for me.

Millie was just okay to me. I did dearest her smarts and dedication and love for her family. Flora was actually more than of a marshmallow than I was expecting and was quite sweetness. I just couldn't always become invested in either of them or their relationship.

Plot wise, information technology was boring. I do love a good boarding school setting, but this didn't do it for me. The entire story read like "this happened and then this happened and so this happened" and that got actually onetime really quick. The saving graces for me were Saks and Perry and I could have easily read 100 more than pages of merely the two of them.

Overall, it just wasn't for me. I didn't meet the connection between the girls and the ending definitely left me wanting. Nevertheless, if Seb is getting a book, I'll probably read it.

**Huge thanks to GP Putnam Sons BFYR for providing the arc free of charge**

h o l l i s
Mar 31, 2019 rated information technology actually liked it
Listen, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS is not just a lovely sapphic royal contemporary but it's also.. fun. I thought this of the first in the Royals series, too. Are they perfect books? No. Infact, I thought the mini breakup in this 1 to be.. not crawly, both a little sloppy and likewise out of nowhere, simply that doesn't negate all the warm fuzzies and overall amusement, and did I mention fun, that information technology provided. And I needed some (a lot) of fun, so, #winning.

"Millie, you know this is just a school, right?

Listen, HER Purple HIGHNESS is non just a lovely sapphic royal contemporary but information technology's as well.. fun. I thought this of the first in the Royals series, too. Are they perfect books? No. Infact, I idea the mini breakdown in this one to exist.. not awesome, both a piffling sloppy and too out of nowhere, but that doesn't negate all the warm fuzzies and overall entertainment, and did I mention fun, that it provided. And I needed some (a lot) of fun, then, #winning.

"Millie, y'all know this is just a school, correct? This isn't your Hogwarts letter."
"And you're not an owl simply this is absolutely the closest thing I'm ever going to become to a Hogwarts letter, then mitt information technology over."

Also like the first in the Royals serial I'yard rounding up because of all said fun. This is a fairly short, and rather uncomplicated, sorta-hate-to-love, thrown in with being roommates at a boarding schoolhouse in Scotland, plus the royalty element, and maybe some staying-warm-for-survival, and mind, I could become on; Hawkins doesn't skimp on the tropes and cliches and I wanted, and loved, them all.

"Wait, y'all're straight?"
"Yeah. Wait, you didn't think I was? Saks, nosotros've known each other since we were five. How could you not know that?"
"It's hard to tell with y'all, to exist honest."
"My lot?"
"You know. Stake weedy aristocrats."

We have some fabled diversity, besides the gay princess element, and I loved the supporting bandage of besties, too as a mini reunion with some of the characters from book one in this series. Really, my only complaint was already mentioned : the suspension-up was dumb. But whatever it was resolved in like twenty pages, then, voila!

"They're just people. End of the day, same as anyone else."
"Do you really believe that?"
"Oh god, no. Bloody terrifying, the whole lot of them, me included."

If you desire something a petty giddy, a lot fun, and dissimilar from your typical royal YA romance, selection this 1 upwardly. It'southward mannerly, information technology's sweet, and you'll probably express mirth out loud. I know I did.

3.75 "what's Scotland got that Texas doesn't? other than discernible seasons, I guess" stars

** I received an ARC from the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **

...more than
Jun 12, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
Jane (It'sJaneLindsey)
Realistically more of a iv.5, but I'm high off of all the swooning I just did then FIVE. STARS.
kayla ♡
November xxx, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
three.5 STARS***
FLORA AND MILLIE ARE DORKS AND I LOVE THEM. seriously this book was adorable and i loved that nosotros got to run into characters from the beginning volume in the series. i didn't quite enjoy it as much every bit the commencement one Merely i still thought information technology was cute. then rachel hawkins when are yous going to release a book almost the hot mess that is seb?
three.5 STARS***
FLORA AND MILLIE ARE DORKS AND I LOVE THEM. seriously this volume was adorable and i loved that we got to see characters from the first book in the series. i didn't quite enjoy it as much as the kickoff 1 BUT i still thought it was beautiful. so rachel hawkins when are you going to release a volume almost the hot mess that is seb?
Britt / Basically Britt
I'm just not really a contemporary gal, but I really enjoyed the characters! I'one thousand just not really a contemporary gal, but I really enjoyed the characters! ...more
Mar 09, 2020 rated information technology really liked it
four.five/5 stars !!!!

my first read for the backlist readathon: completed !

THIS WAS THE CUTEST SHIT E'er OH MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCH. they actually should rewrite the synopsis as "millie going through bi panic for 200 pages" because information technology really exist like that.

I've ever been one to say I don't really intendance if I'm represented in books (proverb that as a privileged white daughter is definitely eye scroll worthy, I know) but it actually did make my heart sore to not just see millie be so coincidental about her bisexuality

4.five/5 stars !!!!

my start read for the backlist readathon: completed !

THIS WAS THE CUTEST SHIT EVER OH MY GOD I LOVED Information technology Then MUCH. they really should rewrite the synopsis as "millie going through bi panic for 200 pages" considering it really be like that.

I've always been one to say I don't really care if I'm represented in books (saying that every bit a privileged white daughter is definitely eye roll worthy, I know) only it actually did make my heart sore to not only come across millie exist so casual about her bisexuality but to actually Come across her freak about about all these hot scottish rich kids was extremely relatable to say the least. literally the reason I wanted to read this was because I, a bisexual woman, wanted to osculation a scottish princess. to say I was satisfied is an understatement.

this book was and so fun and cute and I loved every MINUTE of it.

now brb while I research grad programs in scotland ✌🏼


Other books in the series

Royals (ii books)
  • Royals (Royals, #1)

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