Donald Trump Say Merry Christmas Again

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A few years ago, the owner of a pop diner nearly me decided to run for our local township's board of commissioners. It's an important and visible position in the community. But there was a problem. He was a Republican.

Non that beingness a Republican is such a trouble. At least not in many places. Only where I alive -- well, it's kind of a problem. The cracking majority of my community, which is populated heavily past academics, educators and union members, is somewhere to the left of Karl Marx. At that place are few Republicans around and the ones that are pretty much continue a low profile. Also, there were no Republicans on the township'southward board at the fourth dimension. But the diner possessor wanted to be on the lath. What the hell was he thinking?

He was thinking all the right things. He wanted to serve his community. He had a successful business organization and a desire to requite back. He had an urge to participate in the political process and make pocket-sized improvements to the world. Merely he also has his views.

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For example, he is against abortion. He is a fellow member of the NRA. He is a strong proponent of a smaller local government and supports cuts to certain pop programs and caps on entitlements to township employees to keep the upkeep in residual. He supports prayers in school.

And, caryatid yourself, he enjoys listening to Rush Limbaugh. I know, it's pretty insane stuff. These are controversial problems. Notwithstanding the diner owner all the same chose to insert himself in the middle of them past running for role in a heavily Democrat surface area. Again, what the hell was he thinking?

More than of import, what happened to his business?

The diner suffered. The more the owner appeared in the local news, the more photos of him were plastered effectually town, the more than he spoke and shared his political and personal views with the community and the more his customers got to know him, the more of them he alienated.

"I would never eat at this identify over again," a friend of my wife's said to her while tucking into her double cheeseburger at the diner. "I could never support a man with such a horrific and insane point of view of the world."

That friend was Barbara Streisand. OK, just kidding, it wasn't. But the friend (if you lot have oasis't figured it out all the same) was a Democrat and she wasn't kidding. She wasn't going dorsum to the diner. She would get her double cheeseburgers somewhere else.

Related: Build Your Brand by Cultivating Controversy

As you're reading this, yous're probably thinking of Donald Trump's current presidential run. And yous should, because I thought about the diner owner when Trump announced his candidacy. Trump is out there, everywhere, sharing his controversial, outlandish and frequently annoying views of the earth with anyone who volition listen. And lots of people are. Is Donald Trump hurting his business organization by existence so controversial? Is the diner owner?

In both cases, yes. In that location are some people who may never exercise business with Donald Trump once again after some of the things he's said. Yet there are others that may be more drawn to him through their shared opinions. Regardless, he'south taking a big chance. But he's a multi-billionaire, and few are worrying about whether he'll have a roof over his caput afterwards the elections are over.

Unfortunately, the diner owner is not Donald Trump. He is non a multi-billionaire. He is likewise taking a take a chance. He is also taking risks. By sharing his views of the world with the public he's alienating some of his client base and may endure financially.

In the finish, the diner owner lost the local election to his Democrat opponent. But he's however very active in the community and song in his opinions. Lots of successful business owners accomplish a point in their lives when they too desire to run for political office. They desire to give back to their communities and to their country. You lot may want to exercise the aforementioned. This ways that you'll accept to be controversial, have opinions and accept sides.

You don't have to be abrasive as Donald Trump, only y'all may notwithstanding lose customers because of this decision. How much loss tin your business absorb? That's the most controversial question of them all.

I'one thousand sure the diner owner lost some business concern because of this. But, at least from my observations, he hasn't seemed to have suffered significantly. And I could've sworn that I saw my married woman'southward friend eating a double cheeseburger there recently, but that person was sitting far in the dorsum, wearing sunglasses and a hat.

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